Website promotion lifehacks

Trying to find your customer, be as attractive as you can. List higher - earn more.

On the other hand, today’s users of the Internet appreciated not all the companies, which appeared in the Internet. Indeed, it is not a rare paradox – professionally and accurately embodied Internet-idea does not always gain the same success as the usual and simple ordinary website, which may have higher ratings, larger number of transactions and visitors.

Why is this happening?

The reason of any modern Internet resource success is an indicator such as “website popularity” in the search engines (PageRank). At the end of the day, the most visited resources are those that positioned on the first page in the list of search results for a particular query. According to statistics, more than 90% of users do not go onto the webpages that are situated on the second page of the search engine or even further. Then it is logical to ask how to get to the first page of the search engines, especially if you have a website, but the position it occupies is too far from the front pages. In this case, you need the help of the experts in order to promote the website on the Internet – and this is what our company MaybeWorks does!

How does search engine optimisation work?

There are two types (“external” and “internal”) of search engine optimisation, also called SEO. As part of the optimisation - work with an invisible (for general users) part of the website, which is taken into account by the modern search engines.

Our company carries out the assigned tasks successfully for both domestic and foreign website optimisation, and we can boast with our skills and abilities to provide high-quality service in the area of the website promotion.

Web site promotion is a set of measurements aimed at improving of the positioning of the resource in the list of search results, when a user creates a specific query in a search engine.

The purpose of a package of measures aimed at the promotion of the website is, moving the actual site onto the leading positions of the search engine results. Why do we do that? For a corresponding increase in the number of people, visiting the website and their subsequent converting from visitors into buyers of goods or services offered by the organisation, which owns the website.

What can we do for that?

  • Study the details of our client's business and assess the competition level
  • Register the website in the search engines
  • Optimise the appearance of the website (we can offer a re-design, if it is necessary)
  • Instantly react to changes in the algorithms of search query
  • Increase the number of visitors to the website
  • Check the indexation and position of the website in the search engines
  • Use statistics to track the progress
  • Implement the external and internal links onto the resource
  • Follow the latest website promote recommendations given by the search engines
  • Optimise the interaction of the search engine with the web-resource content
  • Systematically add unique materials and features
  • Protect the content
  • Use modern tools and programs to optimise the website operation.

Our company MaybeWorks offers an assistance at good quality “promotion” of any web site!


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