How to Scale a Development Team: Challenges and Tips

The difficulties associated with rapid growth often limit the productivity gains hoped for by hiring additional employees. The side effects of growth can even lower the team's overall efficiency. Both fast-growing startups with 10 to 250 employees and small teams of developers growing rapidly within large organizations can experience productivity drops and communication difficulties. Typical problems for companies in the ultra-fast-growth stage include employee dissatisfaction, decreased enthusiasm, product quality issues, and customer dissatisfaction.

When a development team scales, it can be difficult to take the time to explain to newcomers the importance of the organization's values and culture. Traditionally, the challenges associated with business expansion have been met by hiring new employees. But increasing headcount often only exacerbates problems. Many startup leaders mistakenly believe that the best way out is to hire more "employees who can make individual contributions”.

This article will discuss everything you need to know about how to scale a dev team and avoid mistakes.

What is Scaling a Team in Software Development?

Scale dev team

The methods that allow managers to manage small teams quite successfully often stop working when the firm starts to expand rapidly. This is a common problem for high-tech startups, especially those in the ultra-rapid growth stage, meaning they are looking to grow by more than 50% in six months to a year. Without a well-thought-out scaling plan, a team that brings on new members finds that software development efficiency declines.

We also recommend you read our article about IT staff augmentation provider vs freelancers.

Why and When Should You Start Scaling the Software Development Team?

Development team scales

Here are some reasons and the appropriate times to scale your development team:

  • Increased workload and demand. When your project or product starts gaining traction, the workload increases. More features, enhancements, and bug fixes need to be handled swiftly to meet customer demands and maintain a competitive edge.
  • Specialized skills needed. As your project grows, you might need specialists in areas like security, user experience (UX), data science, or specific technologies that your current team lacks.
  • Faster time to market. Scaling your team can significantly reduce development time, allowing you to release features and updates more quickly. This can be crucial for staying ahead of competitors and meeting market demands.
  • Innovation and new projects. If your company is planning to launch new projects or products, you'll need more developers to handle the additional workload without neglecting ongoing projects.
  • Improved quality and maintenance. A larger team can focus on not only new development but also maintaining and improving the quality of existing products. This includes better testing, code reviews, and faster bug resolutions.

Scale up your development team when there's a clear need, financial stability, and strong processes in place to support growth. This ensures efficient, high-quality development that meets market demands.

Need to augment your development team? Turn to MaybeWorks!

How to Prepare for Scaling Software Development Teams

How to scale a dev team

Here is what we recommend you consider when scaling up a development team.

Assess Current Capabilities

Before scaling development team, it's crucial to understand the current state of your team:

  • Skills inventory. Identify the skills and expertise of your current team members. Determine if there are any gaps that need to be filled.
  • Performance metrics. Analyze the performance of your team using metrics such as velocity, code quality, and bug rates. This will help you identify areas that need improvement.
  • Workload analysis. Evaluate the current workload and determine if your team is overburdened. Understanding the workload distribution will help you allocate resources more effectively.

Assessing your current capabilities allows you to understand where your team excels and where there are weaknesses. If you are interested in the outstaffing industry, we recommend you read our article about IT staff augmentation trends.

Implement Robust Processes

There must be complete clarity about how and to whom everyone in the workflow reports. In technical organizations, there are 4 types of reporting structures:

  • One technical leader for each project team. All developers on the team report to their technical leader. Other team members (designers, product managers, etc.) report to their team leaders.
  • One supervisor per full-cycle team. Each such team acts like a separate small firm.
  • One manager for each specialization. Employees and their managers have the same specialized knowledge. The firm`s matrix structure ensures effective communication between specialized teams.
  • One overall leader for all teams. Developers from all teams report to one manager. People do not change the supervisor by moving from one team to another.

Standardized workflows ensure consistency, while agile practices enhance collaboration and adaptability.

Use Scalable Tools and Infrastructure

Scalable tools and infrastructure are critical for supporting a growing team:

  • Version control. A robust version control system like Git is used to manage code changes and collaborate.
  • Project management tools. Invest in project management tools such as Jira, Trello, or Asana to track progress, assign tasks, and manage workflows.
  • Cloud services. Utilize scalable cloud services like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud to ensure that your infrastructure can handle increased demand.

Scalable tools and infrastructure ensure that as your team grows, your systems can support the increased activity.

Develop Leadership and Management Skills

During software development team scaling, some developers have to take on management responsibilities. But most of them are technical people with no management skills. Help them learn how to manage people.

One of the most effective tools in training team leaders is personal mentoring. Each lower-level developer should have a mentor who develops his or her mentee's management skills.

Appoint a person responsible for tracking the quality of management in the company. He or she should be responsible for assigning mentors to all developers and ensuring that they have everything they need to work effectively. Prepare employees who have the following strengths to become managers:

  • Mentoring abilities. Look for those who help colleagues gain new knowledge and improve their professionalism.
  • Communication skills. Supervisors must be able to explain complex concepts in an accessible way, verbally and in writing.
  • Empathy. To lead people, you need to be considerate and sensitive.
  • Natural inclination to lead. Some employees become informal leaders naturally. Pay attention to those who are respected and listened to by coworkers.
  • Modesty. Such people recognize the accomplishments of others, don't brag about their successes, and don't try to control other team members.
  • Strategic thinking. Good leaders are always thinking ahead.

There are some weaknesses to look out for. Avoid those who don't know how to handle stress and work in a challenging environment. Also, avoid those who dislike sharing information and provoke conflict (although even the most committed peacemaker should be able to defend their ideas).

Create an Effective Onboarding Process

A smooth onboarding process is crucial for integrating new team members quickly:

  • Comprehensive documentation. Develop comprehensive documentation that covers everything from the company's mission and values to detailed technical guides.
  • Mentorship programs. Pair new hires with experienced team members who can guide them through the onboarding process and answer any questions.
  • Training sessions. Conduct regular training sessions on tools, processes, and best practices to ensure that new team members are up to speed.

An effective onboarding process ensures that new hires can integrate into the team quickly and start contributing effectively. By the way, we have investigated the Ionic mobile app developer salary.

The Main Challenges of Scaling Development Teams and Their Solutions

Scale dev team

Scaling software development teams brings about several challenges that need to be addressed effectively to ensure success. Here are the main challenges and their solutions.

Maintaining Communication and Collaboration

As teams grow, maintaining effective communication and collaboration becomes more difficult.

Solution. Implement reliable communication tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom to facilitate seamless interaction. Regular meetings and stand-ups can keep everyone on the same page. Encourage an open-door policy where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas and concerns.

Ensuring Consistent Quality

With more team members, ensuring consistent code quality can be challenging.

Solution. Establish stringent quality assurance processes, including code reviews, automated testing, and continuous integration (CI) pipelines. Define coding standards and best practices that all team members must follow. Regular training and knowledge-sharing sessions can also help maintain high standards.

Dealing with Increased Complexity

Larger teams often lead to increased project complexity, making management harder.

Solution. Break down projects into smaller, manageable tasks and use agile methodologies like Scrum or Kanban to manage workflows. Assign clear roles and responsibilities to avoid overlap and confusion. Use project management tools to track progress and dependencies.

Integrating Diverse Skill Sets and Backgrounds

Bringing together individuals with diverse skills and backgrounds can lead to integration issues.

Solution. Foster an inclusive culture that values diversity and encourages collaboration. Organize team-building activities to strengthen relationships and build trust. Pair new hires with mentors to help them integrate and understand the team dynamics better.

Balancing Autonomy and Control

Finding the right balance between giving team members autonomy and maintaining control over the project can be tricky.

Solution. Establish clear goals and objectives while giving teams the freedom to decide how to achieve them. Use regular check-ins and progress reviews to monitor performance without micromanaging. Empower team members by involving them in decision-making processes.

Scaling Teams Involves Increased Costs

Hiring more team members and investing in new tools and infrastructure can be expensive.

Solution. Plan and budget for scaling carefully. Focus on hiring talent that provides the most value and invest in tools that improve efficiency and productivity. Consider the long-term return on investment (ROI) of scaling and prioritize expenditures that directly contribute to achieving business goals. Pay attention to the staff augmentation pricing as an alternative option.

Need to augment your development team? Turn to MaybeWorks!

Tips for Scaling Development Teams

Scaling your software development team

Here is what our MaybeWorks team recommends to scale a software development team.

Strengthen the Hiring Process

To expand efficiently and in a way that fits your needs, your company needs a scalable hiring process that meets a few key principles:

  • Hire talented people who can fit into the team
  • Avoid bias (race, gender, age, etc.)
  • Treat all candidates with consideration

Never try to take the easy way out when recruiting. Remember that each subsequent interview after the first four has no discernible impact on the right decision.

When searching for suitable candidates, don't neglect references and online resources sent by the potential employee. Carefully consider your interview and job offer procedures. The person who leads candidates through the hiring process should make a formal offer. Ensure candidates understand what the company expects from them and that they share its values.

Clarify their expectations. Carefully explain all financial terms, including promotions and bonuses. When new employees arrive on the job, give them the support and information they need to adapt quickly. If problematic personality types are identified, be prepared to terminate these employees; this is inevitable unless they are willing to change. Get rid of those who are not contributing to team success or preventing colleagues from moving forward.

For more insights, check out our article on IT nearshore staff augmentation.

Invest in Onboarding

Effective onboarding helps new hires integrate quickly and start contributing:

  • Detailed documentation. Provide comprehensive documentation covering company policies, project details, and technical setups.
  • Mentorship programs. Assign mentors to new hires to guide them through the initial stages and answer any questions.
  • Regular check-ins. Schedule regular check-ins to monitor progress and address any challenges new hires might face.

Investing in onboarding reduces the time it takes for new team members to become productive and ensures they feel supported and welcomed from day one.

Enhance Communication Channels

When startups are just starting out, their size is small, and all employees know and trust each other personally. Everything changes when the company expands and hires additional staff. When there are new employees on different teams and, over time, even in different offices of the firm, leaders must focus on "scaling communications".

Often, employees at fast-growing firms complain: "I've stopped understanding what's going on here"; "I'm spending all my time in meetings". Ensure your meetings are effective and your subordinates aren't emailing everyone. To communicate effectively:

  • Define who needs to know what. Each group of specialists (developers, designers, and so on) should get the information they need.
  • Choose a communication channel. This can be an intranet, dashboards, email, and other channels.
  • Implement your strategy. Communicate information to employees regularly. Ensure that online content is always up-to-date.

This way, you can ensure the communication is clear even if you rapidly scale your team.

Foster a Strong Culture

A firm should have a strong culture and clear values regardless of size. Visualize your core values as the roots of a tree and your culture as the branches and leaves. New employees should embrace and uphold your culture's traditions.

Culture manifests in processes, procedures, behaviors, rituals, meetings, celebrations, and reward programs. Differences in employee value systems inevitably create difficulties. To avoid conflict, make sure employees know and understand your culture.

Implement Agile Practices

Agile methodologies help scale dev team quickly and maintain productivity:

  • Scrum or Kanban. Choose an agile framework like Scrum or Kanban that suits your team’s workflow.
  • Regular stand-ups. Conduct daily stand-up meetings to keep everyone aligned and address any blockers.
  • Sprint planning. Plan sprints effectively to ensure realistic workload distribution and clear goals.

Implementing agile practices allows your team to respond quickly to changes and maintain a steady pace of development, which is essential for scaling.

Manage Workloads Wisely

Carefully select specialists for each team. Keep them motivated by providing challenging assignments, as well as training and career development opportunities. Ensure that teams focus on prioritized projects. Provide them with the resources they need to deliver quality work.

Project teams are self-sufficient working groups that can take on all software design, development, and launch phases. Choose the most appropriate team composition from the top 4:

  • Different team members have experience with different platforms
  • All team members have the same experience
  • All members are focused on a specific business goal
  • All members are focused on a specific customer category

Help each team prioritize their work.

Best Practices to Scale a Software Development Team

Scale up your development team

Avoid failing to do more work with more people, resulting in lower profits per employee. To keep employees motivated and challenged to perform at their best, follow the 5 basic principles of organizational alignment:

  • Form project teams. Minimize their mutual dependence and establish effective communication.
  • Ensure autonomy. Employees work best when managers do not try to control their every action. Let teams control what happens to their projects, deal with challenges, set specific goals, and achieve them.
  • Work with meaning. All employees and teams must believe in the company's purpose and share its vision for the future. Everyone must understand how their specific actions contribute to the overall plan and goals.
  • Guarantee the fulfillment of commitments. As the Agile Manifesto, drafted in 2001 by 17 software developers, states, "Our highest priority is customer satisfaction through the timely and continuous delivery of valuable software to our customers".
  • Create opportunities for continuous learning. Team members should take time away from their current work and analyze the results of completed projects to find ways to improve team productivity. As new people join the ranks, break discussions into smaller groups so that such meetings last no more than an hour.

In addition to adhering to the 5 principles of organizational alignment, ensure that all employees understand how their work helps the company achieve its goals.

We also recommend you read our article about staff augmentation vs project outsourcing.

How to Scale Your Development Team with MaybeWorks

Team MaybeWorks

MaybeWorks can significantly aid in scaling your development team by offering specialized IT staff augmentation services focused on React, Angular, Node.js developers. Our advantages:

  • Access to ONLY skilled developers. Our IT staff augmentation company specializes in JavaScript and TypeScript development, ensuring that you get proficient developers in MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Express.js, Nest.js, Node.js Angular 2+ and React.js. This lets you quickly find developers who match your project requirements without the lengthy hiring process.
  • Rapid team scalability. With MaybeWorks, you can rapidly scale your development team up or down as needed. This agility is crucial for meeting project deadlines, handling peak workloads, or adjusting team size based on evolving business requirements.
  • Streamlined onboarding process. Our MaybeWorks team has a pool of vetted MERN developers with diverse skill sets and experience levels. We facilitate a smooth onboarding process for augmented team members. We handle administrative tasks, provide necessary documentation, and ensure seamless integration with your existing team and workflows.

Feel free to discuss our IT staff augmentation service for your project with us.


A team in the ultra-fast growth stage needs a scaling plan. The plan should address the challenges associated with rapidly expanding the number of people, not the life cycle of the firm's products. Such a plan requires careful analysis, just as much as a product development plan.

A scaling plan should include the aspects mentioned above:

  • Hiring employees. The founders of your company naturally care about who will work there, so they should help make hiring decisions. Hold meetings after each interview so that everyone who spoke with the candidates can discuss their impressions. Develop programs for onboarding newcomers and transitioning employees out of the workforce.
  • Personnel management. Each developer should report to a specific manager, such as the CEO, CTO, or team leader. When the number of developers reaches 15, move the organization to a formal management structure, and remember that novice managers need mentors.
  • Organization. In addition to adhering to the 5 principles of organizational alignment, ensure that all employees understand how their work helps the company achieve its goals.
  • Culture. Your firm's founding team should discuss and articulate its core values. Communicate these values to all employees.
  • Communication. Hold planning meetings, general staff meetings, in-house presentations, and informal gatherings to keep everyone in the loop.

And remember that if you need to scale rapidly without any burden, you can always rely on our MaybeWorks team.


  1. What are the initial signs that a development team needs to scale?

    They include consistently missing deadlines due to an increasing workload and a noticeable decline in product quality or bug frequency. Additionally, team members might feel overwhelmed, leading to burnout and reduced productivity.

  2. What common pitfalls should be avoided when scaling a development team, and how can they be mitigated?

    They include rushing hiring decisions, neglecting team communication and alignment, and failing to adjust processes and workflows. These can be mitigated by implementing structured hiring processes, fostering strong communication channels, and regularly reassessing and adapting workflows to accommodate growth effectively.

  3. How should a company adjust its recruitment strategies when scaling its development team?

    You should streamline processes to handle increased candidate volume efficiently, broaden the search to diverse sources for talent, and emphasize cultural fit and competitive compensation to attract and retain top-tier candidates aligned with the company's growth goals and technical needs.

  4. How can a company measure the success of its scaled development team in terms of productivity and innovation?

    You can analyze sprint velocity, on-time delivery rates, and defect resolution times. For innovation, metrics include the frequency of new feature releases, adoption of innovative technologies, and feedback from stakeholders on the novelty and impact of implemented solutions.

  5. Can you explain the step-by-step process recommended for scaling a development team?

    Yes! Our article explains everything you need to know. Read it!


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