What is IaaS, and how does it differ from PaaS, SaaS, FaaS, and CaaS?

MaybeWorks is an IT staff augmentation provider with over 10 years of experience in different technologies. IaaS, SaaS, PaaS, CaaS, and FaaS are the types of services that help IT services of companies get rid of the need to manage network resources, data storage, container technology, etc. The use of cloud services can reduce CAPEX and generally reduce the company's IT costs, increasing scalability and speed of product development and release. We want to share our IaaS, SaaS, PaaS, CaaS, and FaaS expertise with you in this article.

What is IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service)?

The classic approach for many companies is to buy their physical hardware. IaaS allows you to forego capital expenditures and rent a virtual infrastructure. You can rent a virtual analog of an ordinary computer, on which you can install the operating system and software in exactly the same way.

The provider's specialists fully handle the maintenance of the hardware. Customers just need to connect to virtual machines and start working. Main features of IaaS:

  • Evenly distributed traffic and load balancing
  • Easy to scale
  • No downtime for unused capacity
  • No need for additional infrastructure for infrequently used applications
  • Test software on multiple platforms

IaaS includes virtual servers, all necessary network configurations (for communication between virtual servers as well as with external client servers and external internet), access management, cloud storage, and backup services. Using IaaS allows:

  • Eliminate the need for physical servers, their maintenance, and administration.
  • Save on infrastructure due to lack of capital expenditures, equipment maintenance costs, and purchase of licensed software.
  • Quickly launch a startup or a new business.
  • Expand the current infrastructure for new tasks or organize test environments for development needs.
  • Get a flexible and easily scalable infrastructure (relevant for companies with uneven workloads).

If you decide to develop IaaS, you are likely to encounter the choice - project outsourcing vs staff augmentation. Project outsourcing involves entrusting an external vendor with the entire project, while staff augmentation entails supplementing an in-house team with external talent. In project outsourcing, the responsibility for the entire project lies with the vendor, offering a hands-off approach for the company. Conversely, staff augmentation allows the company to retain control over the project while gaining access to specialized skills as needed.

At MaybeWorks, our developers have comprehensive expertise in IaaS, while our staff augmentation model allows you to easily integrate them into your team.

What is PaaS?

The PaaS service provides the customer with a complete platform for application development, execution, and testing. This includes hardware, necessary software, and infrastructure setup and maintenance. PaaS simplifies development by allowing you to focus on the process and leave backend management to the provider.

What are the benefits of using the PaaS model:

  • Quicker time to market. Because there is no need to create and customize your platform, software development is times faster.
  • One environment for everything. Developers can create, test, and debug in a single environment.
  • Economy. PaaS eliminates the cost of purchasing, configuring, and administering equipment.

At MaybeWorks, we have many developers with experience in working with PaaS. Want to develop PaaS faster and better? Do it with MaybeWorks developers that can remove 80% of your development team's routine workflows and free up extra time.

What is SaaS (service-as-a-service)?

SaaS is a service through which you can rent licensed software. For example, you can borrow cloud-based Office 365.

The software has a subscription license and is hosted by the cloud service provider. Almost all SaaS solutions are based on a multi-tenant architecture. Under this model, all customers will have the same software version with a single configuration.

The SaaS service saves the business on IT costs by outsourcing maintenance and software support. SaaS applications are updated more frequently than usual (once a month or even once a week). This is due to the following reasons:

  • The software is centrally located at the provider, so the provider performs the updates, not the client himself.
  • All user applications have a common configuration which simplifies testing.
  • The provider doesn't have to spend resources on updating and maintaining background versions of the software.
  • Development and regression testing are faster because the provider has full access to the tenant's data.

If you are going to develop SaaS, our SaaS developers with deep expertise in SaaS can assist you, working at your side. To learn more about how to choose the best tech stack for your SaaS application and ensure optimal performance and scalability, check out our comprehensive guide on the best SaaS tech stack. This article dives deep into the technologies that can make your SaaS product stand out and succeed in today’s competitive market.

What is FaaS (function-as-a-service)?

The FaaS service is a serverless way to run chunks of code so that developers can write and update code in the process. Written functions are called when an event occurs. FaaS makes it much easier to scale code and introduce microservices.

The main features of FaaS:

  • Only business logic is implemented in functions
  • Applications written under FaaS are stateless (not stateful)
  • In FaaS, the server process is not running, but a trigger event triggers a function call, such as an HTTP call
  • To ensure process continuity, you need to use an external database server or a network file system

MaybeWorks has developers with extensive experience working with FaaS. Even when hiring junior and middle developers, we prefer candidates with any knowledge in FaaS, even fundamental. We believe FaaS is the next trend in serverless computing, and we constantly improve junior and middle developers' expertise. MaybeWorks top developers join their forces with clients to make serverless computing more accessible!

What is CaaS (container-as-a-service)?

Container-as-a-Service (CaaS) is a form of container-based virtualization where the cloud provider provides all solutions and tools. This service simplifies single-container deployments, including running simple microservices, or offers a container orchestration platform, such as Kubernetes, to run more complex multi-container deployments.

A container is analogous to a hypervisor, used to run applications securely. Containers can run in isolated partitions of a single Linux kernel on a physical server.

Containerization allows for better performance than virtualization because there is no hypervisor overhead. In addition, capacity can dynamically change with computing load.

Container orchestration platforms include services such as service discovery, container scheduling, container networking, monitoring, and others. Our developers have experience with everything mentioned above and can become an indispensable tech asset for your team.

MaybeWorks expertise in IaaS

As you can see, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, FaaS, and CaaS are different concepts, requiring different approaches when developing and maintaining. At MaybeWorks, engineers know all these cloud models and have different experiences with them.

Our top developers were hired to develop a complex marketing network with different features. The concept behind the platform was to aggregate offerings across multiple verticals and promote them through internal and external traffic sources. These traffic sources needed to be constantly evolving through the testing and screening process.

MaybeWorks developers were responsible for choosing a cloud solution from AWS, picking up and configuring the server, deploying the application, and handling server support. Thanks to MaybeWorks developers' involvement, all the business and tech goals of the client were achieved, and the project was completed by the deadline.

Our IT Staff Augmentation model allows you to easily integrate top engineers into your team as if they work at your side. Feel free to contact us to discuss your future IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, FaaS, or CaaS projects.


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