Migrating From AngularJS To React: A Step-by-Step Guide

Staying current with evolving technologies is paramount to ensuring scalability, maintainability, and enhanced user experiences. As AngularJS reaches its sunset phase, many developers migrate AngularJS to React, a robust and widely adopted JavaScript library. This transition not only promises modernization but also unlocks a host of benefits, from improved performance to a more intuitive development experience. This article explores how to convert AngularJS to React.

Reasons to Migrate from AngularJS to React

AngularJS to React

Here are the main reasons why you should migrate from AngularJS to React.

AngularJS is No Longer Supported

AngularJS, once a revolutionary framework, has reached the end of its life. Google stopped its support in January 2022, meaning no more updates or security patches. This exposes applications to potential vulnerabilities and compatibility issues. Moving to React ensures that your projects remain secure and up-to-date.

Modern Development Paradigm

React's modern development paradigm is distinguished by its component-based architecture, declarative approach, and the use of a virtual DOM. These aspects promote reusability, easier maintenance, and improved performance compared to AngularJS. While AngularJS separates templates and controllers into different files, React combines them, which can simplify development and enhance component cohesion. Many React competitors offer similar architectures but with their own unique features.

This shift not only simplifies the development process but also enhances the ability to manage complex applications. React's declarative approach allows developers to describe the UI state and lets React efficiently update the DOM, making the code more predictable and easier to debug.

Vibrant Ecosystem and Community

React's ecosystem is vast and continually expanding. It is supported by a robust community of developers who contribute to a wealth of libraries, tools, and resources. According to the 2023 State of JavaScript survey, React remains one of the most sought after frameworks, used by over 60% of respondents. This strong community support translates into extensive documentation, numerous tutorials, and a plethora of third-party libraries for various needs, from state management (like Redux) to UI components (like Material-UI).

When you compare React vs. Angular, Angular stands out with its comprehensive framework and strong ecosystem. On the other hand, React offers a more straightforward, more flexible approach that many developers find more manageable. React’s performance benefits, vast community support, and extensive resources make it an attractive option for modern web development.

Performance Boost with Virtual DOM

React's Virtual DOM offers a performance advantage over AngularJS's view engine by minimizing direct interactions with the actual DOM, which can be resource-intensive and slow.

Instead of updating the DOM directly, React first makes changes in a lightweight, in-memory representation of the DOM called the Virtual DOM. It then efficiently compares this Virtual DOM with the previous version, identifying and applying only the necessary updates to the real DOM.

This results in faster rendering and improved performance, particularly in complex and dynamic applications, whereas AngularJS’s direct manipulation of the real DOM can lead to slower updates and more resource consumption. For more techniques on further app performance improvements, check out our detailed article on optimizing React applications.

Incremental Adoption

One of the key benefits of React is its flexibility in adoption. Unlike AngularJS, which often requires a complete overhaul to upgrade or migrate, React can be introduced incrementally. You can start by integrating React components into an existing AngularJS application, gradually replacing parts of the codebase. This approach reduces the risk, cost, and downtime associated with a full-scale AngularJS to React migration. If you’re thinking ahead, convert React.js to Next.js for a more scalable solution.

Better Tooling and Developer Experience

React offers superior tooling that enhances the developer experience. Tools like Create React App simplify the initial setup and configuration, having developers focused on writing code rather than managing build processes. React DevTools provides powerful debugging capabilities, making inspecting component hierarchies and state changes easier. Moreover, with design tools like Figma, developers can turn Figma design to React seamlessly, integrating design and development workflows. Furthermore, testing utilities like Jest and React Testing Library streamline the process of writing and maintaining tests.

TSX and Improved Code Readability

React's integration with TypeScript (TSX) brings the advantages of static typing to JavaScript development. TSX combines JavaScript with XML-like syntax, making it easier to read and understand the structure of components. TypeScript's type-checking capabilities help catch errors early in the development process, reducing runtime errors and improving code quality.

If you’re interested in exploring more about JavaScript open-source projects for beginners, check out our article on the 10 best JavaScript open-source projects.

State Management Flexibility

React offers a variety of state management solutions to suit different application needs. You can choose from the built-in useState and useReducer hooks for a local component state to more sophisticated libraries like Redux, MobX, and Recoil for global state management. This adaptability allows developers to select the most appropriate tool for their application's complexity and performance requirements, making state management more efficient and scalable, especially in MFE in React scenarios.

Long-Term Viability and Future-Proofing

Investing in React ensures long-term viability and future-proofing for your applications. Backed by Meta (formerly Facebook) and supported by a vibrant open-source community, React receives regular updates and improvements.

If you are about to hire AngularJS developers, we would recommend to considere the latest versions of Angular or opt for React.

Benefits of Migrating from Angular JS to React

asp.net migrate AngularJS to react

Migrating from AngularJS to React offers several advantages that can significantly enhance your application's performance, security, and maintainability. Here are the key benefits:

  • Support and security. AngularJS is no longer supported, exposing apps to vulnerabilities. React, backed by Meta, ensures continuous updates and security patches.
  • Vibrant ecosystem. A large community and extensive libraries accelerate development and problem-solving.
  • Incremental adoption. React can be integrated gradually, reducing the risk and effort of a complete migration.
  • Better tooling. Tools like Create React App and React DevTools improve the development and debugging process.
  • Future-proofing. Regular updates and a clear roadmap ensure long-term viability.

By leveraging these benefits, your team can build more robust, efficient, and future-proof applications.

Challenges of migrating from AngularJS to React

convert AngularJS to ReactJS

While the benefits are substantial, migrating from AngularJS to React also comes with challenges. Being aware of these potential hurdles is crucial:

  • Rewriting code. 90% of the codebase will be rewritten, requiring time and resources. In light of this, it may be better to consider migrating to Angular 17 instead, making use of your existing knowledge while taking advantage of the Angular v17 features.
  • Temporary downtime. Angular JS to React migration can lead to temporary disruptions in application functionality.
  • Tooling compatibility. Ensuring existing tools and libraries work with the new React setup.

Understanding these challenges can help you manage the transition more smoothly. Engaging an offshore React developer can provide the expertise needed to navigate these issues effectively, ensuring a smoother migration process.

Things to Think of Before Migrating from AngularJS to ReactJS

convert AngularJS to React

Before embarking on the migration journey, consider several critical factors to ensure a successful transition:

  • Current application state. Assess the complexity and current state of your AngularJS application.
  • Team expertise. Evaluate your team’s familiarity with React and readiness to learn.
  • Resource allocation. Plan for the time and resources required for the migration.
  • Phased approach. Consider a phased Angular JS migration to React to reduce risk and manage the transition smoothly.
  • Tool compatibility. Ensure existing development tools and third-party libraries are compatible with React.

Considering these considerations will help you develop a comprehensive migration strategy, minimizing risks and maximizing the benefits of switching to React.

Want to hire React JS Developers? Contact us at MaybeWorks!

How to Migrate from AngularJS to React

angular js to react migration

Migrating from AngularJS to React is a sophisticated process, but with thorough planning and execution, it can lead to a more efficient, modern, and maintainable application. Follow these steps for a successful transition.

Assess the Opportunities and Risks

Migrating from AngularJS to React is a significant move that requires careful planning. Start by understanding why you want to make this change. Are you seeking better performance, a more modern stack, or easier maintenance? Identify the benefits and potential drawbacks.

For instance, React might offer better speed and flexibility, but it could also come with a learning curve for your team. 90% of your current codebase will be rewritten from scratch. Weigh these factors to make an an educated choice.

Diagram the New Architecture

Before writing any code, create a detailed architecture diagram. This should include all major components, how they interact, and how data flows through the application. Visualizing the new structure will help you identify potential issues and ensure a smooth transition.

Consider how React’s component-based architecture will fit into your existing system. Think about state management and how to handle it effectively. Tools like Redux or Context API might be part of your new setup.

Build a Proof-of-Concept

A proof-of-concept (PoC) is essential to validate your approach. Pick a small, non-critical part of your application and rewrite it in React. This will help you identify any unforeseen challenges and refine your strategy. The PoC should include key features that will test React's capabilities against your requirements. By doing this, you can also gauge how much time and effort the full migration will require. If the PoC reveals major issues, you can address them early without affecting the entire project.

Set Up the React Environment

Install the necessary tools, including Node.js, npm, and the Create React App tool. This setup provides a solid base for your React application. Configure your development environment to match your team's workflow.

Ensure everybody has access to the same tools and follows the same setup guidelines. This consistency will prevent issues later when you migrate AngularJS to React.

Set Up Directory Structure

Decide on a structure that suits your application’s needs. Common directories include components, containers, services, and assets. Each directory should have a clear purpose, making it easy for developers to find and update code.

Establish naming conventions and documentation to keep the structure consistent as the project grows. This will save time and cut down confusion during development.

Convert All Angular Templates to React Components

Focus on creating reusable components that adhere to React’s principles. Break down complex templates into smaller, manageable pieces. This modular approach will proceed to more maintainable and easier to debug code.

Ensure that each component handles its own state and props correctly. By gradually converting templates, you can test each component individually, ensuring it works as expected before moving on.

Move Remaining Controllers, Directives, and Services

After the templates, shift your attention to the remaining Angular controllers, directives, and services. Convert these into React components, hooks, or services as appropriate. For state management, consider using React’s built-in hooks like useState and useEffect.

If your application relies heavily on services, you might need to create context providers or custom hooks. Address each piece one at a time to avoid overwhelming your team and to ensure a smooth transition.

Move Static Assets

Finally, move all static assets to your React project, including images, stylesheets, and fonts. Ensure that paths are updated correctly and that the assets load as expected. This step might seem straightforward, but it’s crucial for maintaining the look and feel of your application.

Test thoroughly to ensure that all assets are correctly referenced and displayed. This final touch will help ensure that your React application looks and functions just like the original AngularJS version.

A Case Study of AngularJS to React Migration

Our client is a platform that enables location and event hosts to develop and manage mobile event apps. This project also allows end-users who attend or seek information about such events to download and view one or more events within the applications. The platform supports virtual and hybrid events with live streaming and virtual interactivity. It offers a very complete set of features to make events successful.

The platform's front end was originally built using AngularJS, a framework that has since reached its end of life. To maintain competitiveness, scalability, and modern functionality, the decision was made to migrate the front end to React. This transition aimed to leverage React's performance benefits, extensive ecosystem, and support for building dynamic and responsive user interfaces.

Our approach:

  • Assessment and planning. The migration process commenced with thoroughly assessing the existing AngularJS codebase and its functionalities. Key components and dependencies were identified to prioritize migration tasks. A detailed plan was crafted to ensure minimal disruption to ongoing operations and streamline React components and architecture adoption.
  • Iterative migration. The migration strategy adopted an iterative approach, initially focusing on isolated sections of the application while ensuring compatibility and functionality throughout the process. This phased approach mitigated risks and allowed for continuous testing and feedback loops to address any challenges encountered during migration.
  • Integration and testing. As React components were integrated into the existing architecture, rigorous testing procedures were implemented to validate functionality, speed, and compatibility across different devices and browsers. Automated testing tools and manual testing were employed to ensure a seamless user experience post-migration.

The migration from AngularJS to React proved to be a strategic decision for our client's event management platform.

How MaybeWorks Can Help You Migrate from AngularJS to React?


MaybeWorks is your trusted partner in navigating the complex journey of migrating from AngularJS to React. As an IT staff augmentation company specializing in JavaScript (React, Angular 2+, Next.js, Node.js, Nest.js, Express) and TypeScript, MaybeWorks brings unparalleled expertise and a proven track record in facilitating seamless transitions for businesses worldwide.

With numerous successful migrations under our belt, we have demonstrated our ability to execute complex transitions with precision and efficiency. We approach each project with a meticulous assessment of your current AngularJS application, devising a detailed migration strategy tailored to mitigate risks and maximize the benefits of adopting React.

Whether you are looking to augment your existing team with additional React developers or seeking a dedicated team to handle the entire migration process, our IT staff augmentation service offers flexible staffing solutions to meet your specific needs. Our developers seamlessly integrate into your workflow, aligning with your project goals and timelines to deliver results that exceed expectations.


AngularJS controller to React represents more than a technological shift; it's a strategic move towards future-proofing your applications. By embracing React's flexibility, performance enhancements, and thriving ecosystem, you can ensure your project remains competitive and scalable in the ever-evolving web development landscape.


  1. What were the main challenges faced during these migrations, and how did your team overcome them?

    The main challenges during migration included compatibility issues between Angular and React, managing state across two frameworks, and ensuring uninterrupted user experience. We overcame these by using a micro-frontend approach to allow gradual migration, employing shared state management tools like Redux, and maintaining thorough testing protocols.

  2. Can you outline your approach to migrating a project from Angular to React?

    First, we analyze the existing Angular codebase and create a detailed migration plan. We begin by setting up a parallel React project and integrating it with the current build system. We gradually migrate features, starting with less complex components, using micro-frontends if necessary to allow Angular and React to run side by side. We ensure consistent data flow and state management throughout the transition.

  3. What strategies do you use to manage and migrate legacy code?

    We typically conduct a thorough code review and assessment to understand its structure and dependencies. We prioritize components based on business impact and technical feasibility for migration. Utilizing automated testing tools helps ensure stability during the migration process. Incremental refactoring and modularization are employed to make the codebase more manageable and adaptable to modern standards.

  4. What are the critical differences between Angular and React that we should be aware of before starting the migration?

    It’s important to note that Angular follows an MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, which tightly integrates components, whereas React uses a more modular, component-based architecture with a unidirectional data flow. Angular employs two-way data binding for automatic updates between model and view, whereas React utilizes a virtual DOM and one-way data binding for optimized performance.

  5. How do you ensure optimal performance in React applications, especially compared to Angular?

    We focus on utilizing React's virtual DOM and one-way data binding. This approach ensures efficient updates to the DOM, minimizing unnecessary re-renders and enhancing overall application speed. Additionally, employing state management libraries like Redux or Context API can streamline data flow and improve performance in complex applications. Leveraging React's useEffect hook for managing side effects and optimizing component lifecycles also contributes to better performance. Lastly, we consider code-splitting and lazy loading to reduce initial bundle size and enhance loading times, which are crucial steps in maintaining a responsive user experience.

  6. What is your approach to managing a large codebase during the migration process?

    First, we break down the project into smaller, manageable tasks. For code integrity and to keep track of changes, use version control systems. We regularly test each module to catch issues early. We keep clear and consistent documentation to ensure everyone on the team is on the same page.

  7. How do you ensure the new React code integrates seamlessly with the existing Angular code during the transition phase?

    We use a micro-frontend approach. It allows both frameworks to coexist without conflicts. We gradually replace Angular components with React components, ensuring they communicate well with each other. We use shared services or global state management tools for consistent data flow.


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