How to Convert React JS to Next JS: A Step-by-Step Guide

React apps are great for building dynamic user interfaces, but when it’s time to scale up performance, it’s Next.js to the rescue. If you’re looking to move React app to NextJS, this guide will walk you through the process step-by-step. From handling React components to configuring server-side rendering, let’s dive into the transition and unlock faster page loads, better SEO, and a smoother development flow.

React apps are great for building dynamic user interfaces, but when it’s time to scale up performance, it’s Next.js to the rescue. If you’re looking to move React app to NextJS, this guide will walk you through the process step-by-step. From handling React components to configuring server-side rendering, let’s dive into the transition and unlock faster page loads, better SEO, and a smoother development flow.

Overview: What is Next.js?

Next.js is like the superhero of React frameworks. It takes everything we love about React—like building interactive UIs—and adds some powerful extras, such as server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG), which help boost performance and SEO. Essentially, it makes web apps faster and more scalable right out of the gate.

One of the standout features of Next.js is its ability to combine client-side and server-side rendering, allowing you to choose the best approach for each page. That means faster load times and a smoother user experience. Plus, its file-based routing system makes navigation a breeze.

In short, if you’re already familiar with React, Next.js is the natural upgrade, and moving from React to Next JS solves common headaches while keeping the development process smooth and efficient. For more insights on improving your development process, check out our article on React performance optimization techniques.

Why One Should Migrate from React to NextJS?

Next vs React comparison chart

Improved Performance

Next.js enhances load times with server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG), delivering pre-rendered HTML to users and boosting performance compared to traditional React apps.

Enhanced SEO Capabilities

By converting your React application to a Next app, you gain significant SEO advantages. Pre-rendered pages are easily indexed by search engines, improving visibility and driving organic traffic.

Simplified Routing

With file-based routing system, creating new pages is as easy as adding a file. Dynamic routes are also straightforward, allowing you to focus on development without complex configurations.

Seamless Data Fetching

With Next.js, fetching data happens at both build and request times, allowing for a flexible approach to dynamic content and enhancing user interactivity.

Easy Setup and Configuration

The migration process is simple, with sensible defaults that reduce setup time. You can quickly launch your application using the npm run dev command. For more tips on optimizing your workflow, check out our article on offshore React development.

Community and Ecosystem

Next.js benefits from a robust community and ecosystem, with ample documentation, tutorials, and plugins available. As you convert your React project to Next.js, you’ll stay updated on the latest features and best practices.


Next.js supports application growth with automatic code splitting and optimized build times, ensuring speed and user experience are maintained as your project expands.

Need assistance with the transition? Our team of ReactJS developers is here to help make your migration as smooth as possible.

Pros and Cons of Next.js


  • Enhanced Performance: Features like server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG) significantly boost performance. These optimizations ensure faster load times and a smoother user experience, making it easier to convert React JS to Next JS effectively.
  • File-Based Routing: Next.js simplifies navigation, making page creation straightforward. This intuitive structure enables rapid development without the complexities of manual route configuration. For a comparison of frameworks, check out our article on React vs Angular.
  • Dynamic Routes: Create responsive applications that adapt to varying user needs. This flexibility is invaluable for modern React apps looking to scale.


  • Learning Curve: While Next.js builds on React, there can be a learning curve, especially for those unfamiliar with webpack or the intricacies of SSR and SSG. Understanding these concepts is essential for a smooth transition when you migrate from React to Next JS. If you need additional support during this process, consider hiring JS developers for hire who can guide you through the nuances.
  • Limited Flexibility: Next.js enforces a certain structure, which can limit flexibility for projects that require a more customized setup. However, this can also be a pro, as it enforces best practices for building scalable applications.
  • Configuring Build Settings: In Next.js, it can be a bit tricky for newcomers. It’s important to get familiar with the configuration options in your Next app to steer clear of any potential hiccups during development.

Challenges of Moving from React to Next.js

Understanding SSR and SSG

Unlike traditional React apps that mainly rely on client-side rendering, Next.js lets you select the best rendering method for each page. While this flexibility boosts performance, it also demands a solid grasp of data fetching and server rendering. Investing time to understand these concepts will enhance your app’s speed and SEO in the long run.

React and Next logos illustrating transition

Adapting to the File System Routing

Next.js’s file-based routing system can be a change if you’re accustomed to manually setting routes in React. While this approach simplifies navigation, it may initially feel limiting. However, you’ll later find creating new pages and managing dynamic routes becomes much more intuitive, eliminating the need for complicated routing logic.

Dependency on Next.js Ecosystem

Moving to Next.js often means becoming more reliant on its ecosystem and conventions. This can be challenging for developers accustomed to the flexibility of React. For instance, when you convert React to Next.js, you may find that not all existing third-party libraries or plugins are optimized for the Next.js environment.

Performance Monitoring

While Next.js provides numerous optimizations, tracking how these changes impact your application is the cherry on top. You may need to fine-tune your build settings and adjust your data-fetching strategies for optimal results. Leveraging tools like Vercel Analytics allows you to keep tabs on your app’s performance after migration, ensuring it meets user expectations.

Steps to Migrate from React to Next.js

1. Assess Your Current Setup

Before you migrate from React to Next, take a good look at your existing React application. Identify the core features and functionalities that need to be retained. This will help you understand the scope of the migration and how to best structure your React components in the Next.js framework.

2. Create a New Next.js Project

The first hands-on step is to create a new application. You can do this easily with the command:
npx create-next-app your-next-app
This command sets up a new Next.js project with all the necessary files and dependencies.

3. Reorganize Your File Structure

With a file-based routing system, your updated project structure will differ from a standard React setup. Move your existing React components into the pages directory as needed. Each file will correspond to a route in your app.

4. Transfer State Management and API Calls

If your React app uses state management libraries like Redux or Context API, transfer this logic into your new project. Ensure that API calls are appropriately handled, particularly if you’re leveraging Next.js’s data-fetching methods.

5. Optimize Build Settings and Configure the Publish Directory

Now it’s time to configure your build settings. Ensure that your Next.js application is optimized for production by adjusting your publish directory settings. This step ensures that your app runs smoothly and efficiently when deployed.

6. Test Your Application Thoroughly

Use tools like Vercel Analytics to monitor performance and identify any issues that may arise during the transition. This step is key to guarantee that everything flows effortlessly post-migration from React to the new ecosystem.

7. Deploy Your Next.js App

Finally, launch your shiny new app! With platforms like Vercel, you can effortlessly take it online and enjoy perks like automatic scaling and built-in CDN support.

How MaybeWorks Can Help You?

MaybeWorks team

At MaybeWorks, we get that moving from React to Next.js can feel overwhelming. That’s why our experienced team is here to help you every step of the way, making the transition smooth and hassle-free.

Switching to a more convenient architecture not only improves your application’s performance but also prepares it for future scalability. If you’re seeking help with this transition or want to discuss Angular.js to React migration, reach out to us. Our team of Angular developers for hire is here to support you!


Migrating from React to Next.js is a strategic move that offers numerous benefits, from improved performance to enhanced SEO. The process may seem daunting, but with the right guidance and tools, it can be a smooth transition. By understanding how to migrate from React to Next, you’ll create new possibilities for scalability and speed in your applications. Ready to get started? With MaybeWorks by your side, transitioning will be both easy and effective.


  1. What are the key benefits of migrating a React app to Next.js?

    Next.js offers server-side rendering, better SEO, and improved performance compared to React’s client-side-only approach. If your project requires faster load times and dynamic routing, converting React to Next JS is a smart move.

  2. How do you ensure a seamless transition when migrating from React to Next.js?

    We use a structured process, converting components step-by-step while testing to ensure minimal disruption during the React to Next JS migration. Our team tests thoroughly at each stage to prevent disruptions and ensure a seamless experience.

  3. What are the main challenges in migrating a React app to Next.js, and how do you address them?

    Key challenges include adapting routing and optimizing server-side features. We address these by configuring Next.js’s routing system and ensuring that all essential functionality is preserved during the migration.

  4. How does Next.js improve performance compared to a traditional React app?

    It enhances performance with server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG), reducing load times and improving SEO compared to a traditional client-rendered React app.

  5. What is the typical timeline for migrating a React app to Next.js?

    The timeline varies based on the app’s complexity, but migrating from React to Next generally takes a few weeks, allowing for thorough testing and optimizations.

  6. How do you handle server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG) during a React to Next.js migration?

    We choose between SSR and SSG depending on the app’s requirements. SSR is ideal for dynamic pages, while SSG works best for static content, ensuring optimal performance.

  7. What steps are taken to ensure the preservation of client-side routing functionality when migrating from React to Next.js?

    The latter supports both client-side and server-side rendering. We configure the project to preserve the client-side routing you’re familiar with in React by using the same components and ensuring smooth integration.


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