Everything you need to know about developing complex websites

At MaybeWorks, we know how to develop and maintain complex websites.

Our top developers were hired for over 200 projects requiring high expertise in React and NodeJS with strict deadlines. Thanks to our advanced IT staff augmentation model, they were smoothly working on the side of the clients' teams.

As our experience shows, 80% of IT staff augmentation providers, focusing on the financial capabilities of their target audience, assist only in developing simple websites. Today it is difficult to find an IT staff augmentation provider with expertise in developing complex websites. After all, complex websites are the prerogative of professionals, becoming less and less because of the overwhelming number of novice web studios.

Most IT staff augmentation providers are used to simple websites, so for their staff, it is difficult to work with complex ones. Our MaybeWorks staff has experience in developing more than 50 complex websites. We have gained the trust of over 200 clients over the last 10 years. Our primary goal is long-term fruitful relations with our clients, and high increment helps us in this. You must competently assess IT staff augmentation providers that will help deliver complex websites on time.

What are complex websites?

As a rule, this category of website development includes marketplaces, social networks, and news websites. Also on the list can be classified as voluminous and multi-level corporate websites with complex functions, individually designed by programmers to solve the necessary tasks of the firm, such as communication with customers, corporate communication between employees, sales control, etc.

Creating complex websites is not just a cool design but also the maximum technical capabilities of the website to solve many problems, both for the customer and his clients.

How to distinguish a complex website from the simple one?

Any IT staff augmentation provider can assist in developing a simple website, but the development of a complex website is only under the force of professionals. After all, the process requires responsibility, knowledge, experience, and detailed testing at every technical step. A complex website has the most user-friendly interface, thoughtful structure, excellent and memorable design, simple usability, and many features necessary for efficient operation. Such websites are also characterized by:

  • Automation of all work processes
  • A very complex and multi-level structure, the presence of levels for end users and corporate communication
  • Maximum possible security
  • Continuous and error-free operation and high loading speed under enormous loads

As a rule, a complex website is the author's project, which does not assume using ready-made or template solutions. The project is developed individually to meet the client's needs, taking into account the requirements of the company and the maximum convenience of its customers and staff who will use a website in the work process.

3 crucial rules for the development of complex websites

As mentioned, an expensive website is an author's project, so it can include completely different tools to meet your requirements. But there are 3 main requirements that absolutely all complex websites must meet:

  1. Maximum adaptation with the business, integration with systems that are necessary for effective communication with new customers and existing clients.
  2. Quality SEO optimization. First, we are talking about managing URLs, human-readable URLs, meta-data, and sitemap.xml file.
  3. The simplest management and use of the website. Users of the website should be clear at an intuitive level on how to use the website, look for goods/services, and contact representatives of the company. Website admin should be easy to fill and edit web pages. Simple management of the complex website is essential for the owner as it simplifies work with dozens or hundreds of web pages. With poor website management, it will not be effective.

Do not think that the development of complex websites is prohibitively expensive. No one forbids you to save money and use a typical solution in an effective combination with individual developments. At the same time, hiring developers from reliable IT staff augmentation providers like MaybeWorks can speed up the development process and the overall quality of the complex website. Our developers can assist you even in IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, FaaS, and CaaS development.

MaybeWorks expertise in developing complex websites

First, it is essential to know that complex websites require comprehensive work, a well-coordinated team, and effective interaction between developers. A dozen specialists of different profiles, even marketers and photographers, take part in creating a complex website. Therefore, a complex website must be developed by experts.

Often development teams lack high-versed React, Angular, and Node developers and turn to our IT staff augmentation company. We carefully choose the needed developers, and they coherently work on the client`s side team.

An example of such a situation was developing a complex website aimed at helping people find local restaurants - Foodies. It proposes comprehensive functionality that allows users to post reviews on restaurants and dishes, post/rate recipes, and follow food bloggers.

Foodies hired full-stack developers to bring the application to the next level. They were developing on NodeJS, Angular, and AWS. They handled the following tasks:

  • Bug fixing and code refactoring
  • Speed optimization
  • Creating admin panel from scratch
  • Adding food blogger functionality

Thanks to IT staff augmentation, Foodies was delivered on time and of high quality.

Feel free to contact us to discuss our assistance in complex website development.


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