Execution Period

14 months

Augmented team

2 Full Stack Developers


  • Enhanced platform stability
  • Third-party integration
  • Scalable infrastructure
  • Efficient scheduling system

Blue-Jay Rental

Property Management System

Simplifying Seattle’s Real Estate Landscape

Client Profile

Blue-Jay Rental is a property management system designed specifically for real estate owners and agents in Seattle, WA. This targeted approach allows the platform to cater directly to the needs of this local market.

The app fosters effortless communication between owners and agents, ensuring everyone stays on the same page. Additionally, the robust scheduling system simplifies and streamlines the process of booking property showings, saving valuable time for all parties involved.

The Challenge

Dynamic Seattle’s real estate market craved efficiency. Recognizing this need, a client approached us with an ambitious vision: to develop a comprehensive real estate platform streamlining property listings, bookings, and communication. These were key challenges MaybeWorks needed to tackle:

  1. Integration of real estate ecosystem.
  2. Real-time updates and location functionality.
  3. Intuitive user experience.
  4. Protecting sensitive property and user information.

The Fix

We maintained an open communication channel with the client’s team, ensuring their suggestions were heard and integrated into the platform’s design and functionalities:

  • Open Ecosystem & Seamless Integration: We developed a comprehensive API suite, enabling effortless integration with existing real estate management tools. This open architecture future-proofs Blue-Jay Rental, allowing it to adapt and expand alongside the industry’s evolving technologies.
  • Enhanced User Journey: Focusing on user needs, we designed a user-friendly interface that is intuitive and easy to navigate for both owners and agents. Additionally, seamless integration with Google Maps empowers users with real-time location information and facilitates efficient scheduling of property showings.
  • Robust Security & Scalability: We implemented solid authentication protocols and encryption techniques to safeguard sensitive user and property information. Regular backups and disaster recovery procedures ensure the platform’s resilience. Plus, we deployed AWS S3 and RDS for scalability, guaranteeing the platform can handle future growth and user demands with ease.

The Gains

MaybeWorks’ collaboration with Blue-Jay Rental delivered remarkable results, creating a comprehensive platform that streamlines property management for Seattle-based real estate professionals:

  • Unified Workflow: Seamless integration with existing real estate tools like Auth0, Heroku, Netlify, Stripe, Google Maps, fostering a unified workflow and saving valuable time for owners and agents. Blue-Jay Rental has become a central hub for property management activities in Seattle.
  • Unmatched User Satisfaction: The user-friendly interface combined with real-time Google Maps integration has significantly improved user satisfaction. Scheduling showings is now a breeze, and finding properties is easier than ever.
  • Increased Efficiency: Robust code architecture and thorough testing ensure the platform’s stability and resilience to disruptions. This translates to a seamless user experience and minimized downtime.
  • Effortless Scalability: Deploying industry-leading solutions like AWS S3 and RDS within its architecture ensures the platform can seamlessly accommodate future growth.

The collaboration resulted in a full-fledged custom-built web application. Through the scalable architecture, reliable data management, and enhanced security measures, MaybeWorks played a key role in delivering a platform that is transforming the way Seattle’s real estate market operates.

Let’s book a free 15 minute consultation and we’ll tell you how we can help with your project.
Schedule a Call

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NodeJS Application development: why is it so popular?

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ReactJS: Philosophy, Web Applications, Backend Requirements, APIs, BFF

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What Is GraphQL And Why We Love It

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Apr 27, 2023
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WebSocket Advantages, Disadvantages, and Some Practical Advice

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Aug 09, 2024
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MERN Development: Why Are MaybeWorks Developers A Great Way To Augment Your Team?

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May 12, 2023
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Terms Of Reference For The IT-Product Development: Why It Is Important

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Jun 16, 2023
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All You Need To Know About Offshore/Nearshore Development Service

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All About Integrating AI Into Web And Mobile Applications

AI integration has become increasingly accessible thanks to advancements in machine learning algorithms, cloud computing infrastructure, and open-source libraries. It empowers developers to create applications that can understand, learn, and adapt to user behavior, ultimately improving efficiency and personalization. From virtual assistants that can understand natural language to image recognition systems that can identify objects in real-time, AI is reshaping how we interact with technology daily.

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Importance of Software Maintenance to Your Business

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Real-World AI Applications: Retail, Autonomous Transportation, Engineering, And Manufacturing

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Artificial Intelligence In Logistics: How To Apply AI In The Supply Chain?

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Using ChatGPT In Projects Development Today

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Types of web applications: choosing the right one for your business

Web applications are steadily taking their place on the internet and continue to evolve. This is due to their ease of use and readiness for use on mobile devices. In turn, frameworks for their development are evolving (and new ones are emerging).

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10 Most helpful Open-Source JavaScript Projects

JavaScript stands out as one of the most versatile programming languages today. Its popularity is rooted in its integral role alongside HTML and CSS, forming the cornerstone of the World Wide Web, allowing us to shape the Internet as we know it today.

Aug 22, 2024
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What Are The Emerging Trends In Web Development?

Can you fathom the lightning speed at which the web development landscape is evolving? It feels like just yesterday we marveled at parallax scrolling, and today, we're taking a quantum leap into the captivating realm of 3D.

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An Introduction to the Bun JavaScript Runtime

JavaScript continues to stand as the cornerstone of modern programming languages. Amidst this ever-evolving landscape, a new player has emerged — the Bun JavaScript Runtime. This groundbreaking runtime environment promises to redefine the way developers conceive and execute their JavaScript applications.

Dec 06, 2023
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Angular v17: What Is Our MaybeWorks Team Impressed Most Of All?

Celebrating the 13th milestone of Angular's iconic red shield, the Angular team reflects on the legacy of AngularJS as the catalyst for a revolutionary era in JavaScript frameworks designed to meet the escalating demand for dynamic web experiences. Now, embarking on a visionary journey with Version 17, the Angular team redefines benchmarks for performance and elevates the developer experience.

Dec 24, 2023
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10 Backend Development Trends to Follow in 2024

Backend development serves as the foundational structure for websites and applications, driving the functionality and performance upon which users depend. The backend development landscape is constantly evolving, propelled by emerging technologies and evolving digital business practices.

Jan 09, 2024
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Chatbot Development: Everything You Need To Know

The journey of bots commenced in 1966 with the emergence of text bots like Eliza, progressing into voice-based bots during the 80s. Simply put, a bot is software capable of engaging in intelligent conversations with humans.

Feb 12, 2024
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Outsourcing vs. Outstaffing: Which Model Will Suit For Your Business?

One of the important tasks of any business or project is to optimize processes that will allow you to perform valuable actions without unnecessary effort. This applies to software development: applications, websites, or mobile apps, etc. In most cases, such work is project-based and does not require a permanent employee on staff. That is why outsourcing and outstaffing services are optimal.

Mar 15, 2024
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Staff Augmentation vs Project Outsourcing: What is the Difference and How to Choose?

In today`s business environment, companies actively use various models of working with personnel to optimize costs and increase efficiency. Staff augmentation and outsourcing are two of the most popular formats of cooperation. Both approaches offer companies various advantages: access to professional IT specialists, reduced staffing costs, and increased operational flexibility. Choosing an outsourcing or staff augmentation model depends on many factors, including project specifics, budget, timing, and skill requirements.

Mar 26, 2024
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Ionic vs Electron: Mobile or Desktop Development

This article delves into the comparative analysis of the Electron vs Ionic frameworks, exploring their unique characteristics, strengths, and ideal use cases.

Apr 09, 2024
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Offshore IT Staff Augmentation: Benefits, Challenges, Ways to Implementation

In a world where technology develops at an incredible speed and competition in the software market reaches cosmic heights, every IT company strives to stay afloat. However, what to do when projects increase and more and more hands are needed? That's where IT staff augmentation comes in - an effective way to expand your development team in 2024.

Apr 17, 2024
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How to Manage Remote Developers: Challenges, Tools and Tips

Managing a remote development team is becoming increasingly urgent today, where boundaries are blurring thanks to digital technologies. You need an effective approach to organizing the work‍ of a team, regardless of whether its members are located in one office or distributed around the world. In this article‍, we'll look at how to manage a remote development team, ensuring high productivity ‍ and synchronization of efforts among all project participants.

Apr 22, 2024
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Pros and Cons of Ionic Framework for App Development

In the fast-paced app development world, choosing the proper framework is crucial for success. Among the plethora of options available, Ionic Framework stands out as a popular choice for building cross-platform mobile applications. The advantages of Ionic attract many developers. Its ease of use, versatility, and extensive feature set make it a compelling option for developers seeking to streamline their development process and reach a wider audience. In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of Ionic mobile framework.

Apr 30, 2024
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Managed Services Model vs Staff Augmentation: Key Differences

Companies often face the challenge of choosing the right strategy to meet their evolving needs. Two popular approaches for leveraging external expertise are staff augmentation and managed services. Each model offers distinct advantages and addresses different operational requirements. This article features the core distinctions between IT managed services vs staff augmentation.

May 23, 2024
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ERP Implementation Case Studies: Best Examples

MaybeWorks IT staff augmentation provider can assist with complex projects. Our developers can help develop, implement, and integrate ERP systems for large companies and corporations as well as medium and small businesses. In this article, you can find our case study on ERP, which proves our expertise.

Jun 04, 2024
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IT Team Extension: Benefits, Challenges, Steps to Extend

Dev team extension in Europe involves providing specialists for temporary remote work. The employee remains employed by the company and receives labor remuneration and tax deductions from his direct employer, not the client. This article will discuss everything you need to know about IT team extensions.

Jun 17, 2024
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Features of Ionic Framework

With the passage of time, from the birth of the first smartphones to the present, there has been an increase in supply and demand in the app market. It encompasses various areas, including entertainment, social services, wellness, etc. From a technical point of view, apps can be classified into three categories.

Jun 24, 2024
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Hybrid App Development With Ionic Framework

Mobile application development is one of the most dynamic and fastest-growing IT industries. As the number of smartphone users increases yearly, the demand for mobile applications grows.

Jul 01, 2024
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How to Make Your Software Development Future-proofing?

The idea of future-proofing your code frequently surfaces in software discussions. It sounds ideal—who wouldn't want their code to withstand the test of time? However, the reality is far less enchanting and significantly more complex. This article will explore what people typically mean by "future-proofing" and 5 steps to create future-proofed software. You will also find an answer to the question, “Is software development future-proof?”

Jul 01, 2024
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How to Scale a Development Team: Challenges and Tips

The difficulties associated with rapid growth often limit the productivity gains hoped for by hiring additional employees. The side effects of growth can even lower the team's overall efficiency. Both fast-growing startups with 10 to 250 employees and small teams of developers growing rapidly within large organizations can experience productivity drops and communication difficulties. Typical problems for companies in the ultra-fast-growth stage include employee dissatisfaction, decreased enthusiasm, product quality issues, and customer dissatisfaction.

Jul 08, 2024
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Migrating From AngularJS To React: A Step-by-Step Guide

Staying current with evolving technologies is paramount to ensuring scalability, maintainability, and enhanced user experiences. As AngularJS reaches its sunset phase, many developers migrate AngularJS to React, a robust and widely adopted JavaScript library. This transition not only promises modernization but also unlocks a host of benefits, from improved performance to a more intuitive development experience. This article explores how to convert AngularJS to React.

Jul 15, 2024
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Ionic Developers Salary for 2024: Guide and Insights

It's hard to deny the importance and role of software in our smartphones, tablets, and other devices. We use apps to access our bank accounts, make purchases, make doctor's appointments, count calories and steps, learn Spanish, find jobs, and talk to friends.

Jul 22, 2024
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The Future of IT Staff Augmentation: Emerging Trends and Predictions

Today, we will discuss the most notable IT staff augmentation trends, as this service has gained incredible popularity among diverse companies. First, we will say a few words about outstaffing itself and those who use it, and then we will move on to the staff augmentation trends. The experts in this article are the top management of MaybeWorks, a company that has been augmenting IT specialists for many years.

Jul 23, 2024
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Understanding IT Staff Augmentation Pricing Models: Essential Overview

In recent years, there have been increasingly favorable opinions about outstaffing labor resources. IT staff augmentation has acquired mass character and has become one of the most widespread schemes of enterprise staffing. The use of IT staff augmentation services brings many advantages to the organization. To get them, the head of the firm should order services from a specialized agency with a good reputation.

Jul 31, 2024
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Differences Between ERP and CRM: Full Specifications

In the high-stakes world of modern business, the battle between Enterprise Resource Planning and Customer Relationship Management (ERP and CRM) systems is heating up. These two powerhouses promise to streamline operations, boost productivity, and enhance customer engagement — but which one should you choose? Get ready to cut through the noise and learn about the solution that will rocket your company to new heights. Let’s dive in and find your perfect match.

Aug 15, 2024
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Effective CRM Use Case Examples that Can Drive Your Business

Customer Relationship Management or CRM systems have evolved from simple contact databases into sophisticated platforms capable of driving significant business growth. While their role in sales, marketing, and customer service is well-established, the true power of this tool lies in its ability to transform operations across the entire organization. In this exploration, we will delve beyond the conventional CRM use cases to uncover innovative strategies and tactics. From sales management and marketing optimization to competitive intelligence and operational efficiency, we will demonstrate how we can be a catalyst for business transformation. Prepare to discover how your organization can unlock the hidden potential within your client management system and drive exceptional results.

Aug 19, 2024
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React vs Angular: Which is Better to Choose?

In our experience crafting custom software solutions, choosing between Angular and React is often a critical decision point. The Angular versus React battle is ongoing: two heavyweights in the world of frontend development, each with its own strengths and a dedicated fanbase, offer powerful ways to build dynamic and interactive web apps. Yet, they possess distinct characteristics and take different approaches. We’ve synthesized advice from industry experts and analyzed numerous projects to offer a comprehensive comparison. Let’s delve into the key elements influencing the decision between Angular and React.

Aug 20, 2024
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Offshore React Developers: Main Skills and Tips for Hire

React is not just a buzzword in the tech world - it’s a game-changer. Its ability to build sleek, responsive user interfaces has made it a favorite among developers everywhere. But here’s the catch: the best React engineers are often so in demand that they may be unavailable in your local market. So, what do you do when you need top talent but can’t find it close to home? You look offshore. Offshore development can connect you with skilled React experts ready to convert your vision into reality. In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to hire and collaborate with an offshore React team that’s perfect for your project.

Aug 29, 2024
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React Performance Optimization: Best Techniques and Ways to Implementation

A fast and responsive React application is key to keeping users happy. But as your app grows, performance can start to lag. In this article, we’ll explore some important techniques to optimize React app performance, like code splitting, reducing bundle size, profiling, and steering clear of common mistakes. Let’s dive in and learn how to keep your React applications lightning-fast

Aug 27, 2024
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SaaS Technology Stack That You Should Pay Attention To in 2024

SaaS is a powerful model for driving business growth, as it leverages cloud computing services to eliminate the need for customers to buy and manage their own infrastructure. This approach helps businesses save money, while software providers benefit from steady revenue through the subscription model.

Sep 03, 2024
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Top 9 Alternatives to ReactJS: Exploring the Best Front-End Frameworks

ReactJS has taken the web development world by storm with its innovative approach to building user interfaces. Its component-based design and efficient virtual DOM have set a high standard for dynamic, interactive web applications. But while React is a dominant player, it’s not the only game in town. In this article, we’ll dive into the eight best React alternatives, each offering its own set of features and advantages tailored to various needs and preferences in front-end development.

Sep 19, 2024
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How to Convert Figma Design into React Code: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide

Ready to turn your sleek Figma designs into a fully functional React app? With the right tricks and tools, you can effortlessly bring your static designs to life. Let’s jump into the ultimate guide to convert Figma into React like a pro!

Sep 23, 2024
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How to Convert React JS to Next JS: A Step-by-Step Guide

Advantages of React JS make React apps great for building dynamic user interfaces, but when it’s time to scale up performance, it’s Next.js to the rescue. If you’re looking to move React app to NextJS, this guide will walk you through the process step-by-step. From handling React components to configuring server-side rendering, let’s dive into the transition and unlock faster page loads, better SEO, and a smoother development flow.

Sep 26, 2024
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Micro Frontend in React: Mastering Modular Architecture for Optimal Scalability

As web applications grow more complex, micro frontend architecture in React is changing the game. By splitting up large, monolithic apps into smaller, independent pieces, React microfrontends make it easier to scale, develop faster, and improve the overall user experience. Let’s explore how this approach can help you build more flexible and efficient apps.

Oct 01, 2024
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Nearshore IT Staff Augmentation: Maximizing Efficiency and Talent Acquisition

Learn how nearshore staff augmentation can enhance your software development team's capabilities. Explore its benefits, key strategies, and how to find the right IT talent to meet your project needs.

Oct 04, 2024
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React SEO: Best Practices, Components, Optimization Tips

Building a React web app that's fast, user-friendly, and visible to search engines can be a bit tricky. While React offers a powerful framework for creating dynamic, interactive interfaces, it's not inherently SEO-friendly due to its reliance on client-side rendering. This can lead to issues like search engines missing important content, slower load times, and reduced search rankings. However, by focusing on React search engine optimization, techniques like implementation of server-side rendering (SSR), optimizing images, and improving load times, you can ensure your application performs well and ranks higher in search results. In this article, we'll dive into practical, technical strategies to make your React app more SEO-friendly.

Oct 18, 2024
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How Much Does it Cost to Hire an Experience React.js Developer in 2024

When you’re planning to build a dynamic web app or enhance an existing one, hiring a skilled React developer is essential. But how much does it cost to hire a React developer? According to Talent, hiring a React.js developer in the U.S. will set you back about $120,000 annually. The actual price tag depends on several factors, including whether you need a junior or senior programmer, as well as whether you’re hiring through a company or directly. In this article, we’ll break down the key elements that affect the React.js developer cost, helping you make the best decision for your project.

Oct 28, 2024
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React.JS Architecture: Best Real-world Practices

What is React architecture? At its core, it’s the foundation that defines how your React application is structured, how data flows, and how different components interact. A thoughtfully designed architecture is not just about clean code—it’s about creating efficient, maintainable, and scalable applications that stand the test of time.

Nov 28, 2024
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ReactJS WebSocket: How to Buid a Real-time Connection

Real-time communication is everywhere—think live chats, notifications, or dashboards that update without you refreshing the page. That’s where WebSockets come in, making instant two-way communication between your app and the server a breeze. If you’re working with React, WebSocket can open up a whole world of possibilities for building dynamic, interactive apps.
In this React WebSocket tutorial, we’ll walk you through the basics, share some examples, and show you just how easy it is to get started. Let’s dive in!

Dec 02, 2024
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8 ReactJS Best Practices for Writing Better Code

If you’ve been working with React for a while, you probably know that writing clean, efficient code is key to building great apps. Whether you’re just getting started or already deep into React, sticking to ReactJS best practices can really make a difference. In this article, we’ll break down some simple, yet powerful tips to help you write better, more maintainable code. From managing state to organizing your components, these practices will help you write smoother, faster React applications. Let’s get into it!

Dec 20, 2024
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Advantages and Benefits of React JS: The Essential Tool for Modern Developers

Ever wonder how modern apps feel so smooth and responsive? That’s the magic of React—a tool that makes crafting sleek user interfaces surprisingly simple.

Jan 16, 2025

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